Straighten teeth- The Best Way to Refurbish Your Smile
Aligners Globe | 4 Minutes Read

Straighten teeth- The Best Way to Refurbish Your Smile

A genuine smile comes from the heart, but a beautiful one comes from perfectly aligned teeth!

Dreaming of a beautiful smile but don’t know where to start? A dazzling smile, without a flicker of doubt, makes a good first impression. While there are multiple attributions to that perfect smile, perhaps the most important one is having well-aligned straight teeth. 

Many people, especially teenagers face the dilemma of a crooked or mal-aligned smile. Not only are they made fun of, but malposition teeth can also welcome any dental problems, compromising oral health.

Poor smile and unhealthy teeth can cause other health problems because oral health defines overall health. Moreover, it can crush your self-esteem when you hesitate to smile or speak. 

Straight teeth- what’s the big deal?

The good part is in dentistry, we have solutions (orthodontic treatments) to all your smile-related problems.  Straighten teeth can recreate your beautiful smile and improve your oral health- a complete win-win.

Nevertheless, the question is, how do you know what dental treatment you require for straight teeth?

Let’s break down how straight teeth are good for you and the ways alignment can be achieved.

Well, a little bit of light reading on the internet and a consultation with our Aligners Globe provider (Braces specialist) can help you smile better. 

Reasons You Need Straight teeth 

Do you feel insecure when your friend flashes their pearly-white-teeth-positioned-perfectly smile at you?

We understand the feeling!

Due to malocclusion, your teeth arrangement can go haywire. The teeth can protrude giving you a “bunny smile” or crowd over each other because there is not enough space in your jaw. There can be many other problems.

What is Malocclusion?

Malocclusion or misalignment of teeth is to sway away from their ideal positions. Malocclusion can be from slight dental crowding to severe underbites or overbites. Malocclusion can occur due to many reasons.

Some people are born with malocclusion while others develop it with time- especially in the “ugly duckling” phase when baby teeth fall off and permanent ones come in.  

Regardless of the reason, it is important to consider orthodontic treatment options to straighten teeth.

Crowded teeth, gaps, and other forms of malocclusion are all caused by the difference in teeth and jaw size. There is usually not enough room for permanent teeth to grow properly. 

What are the causes of malocclusion?

Some causes of malocclusion include:

• Differences in the teeth and jaw size can cause a gap or crowd in teeth. 

• Birth defects include cleft lip and palate.

• Poor childhood habits such as thumb sucking, prolonged use of pacifiers or feeding bottles, and tongue thrusting. 

• Teeth abnormalities like missing, impacted, and extra teeth. 

• Improper or failed dental procedures such as over-hanged dental fillings or crown placement, dental braces, or others.

• Jaw Problems include jaw fractures, tumors, dislocations, cancer, and temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

• Genetics.  

Classification of Malocclusion 

Just as people have different facial features, colors, height, and weight, they have different smiles as well. Subsequently, they have different types of malocclusions and need different treatments. 

Edwaard H. Angle, who is also known as the "Father of Modern Orthodontics", classified malocclusion into three classes, which are as follows:

Class I Malocclusion 

It is the most common kind of malocclusion seen. In class, I malocclusion, the upper 1st molar is aligned normally with the lower 1st molar but other teeth, especially anterior teeth, show spacing, diastema (space in front upper two teeth),  or crowding. 

Class II Malocclusion 

In class II malocclusion, upper teeth lie anteriorly to their lower counterparts, giving a convex facial profile. It is the second most common type of malocclusion seen. It is either due to the upper jaw (maxilla) being anteriorly placed or larger in size, or it can also be due to the lower jaw (mandible) being posteriorly placed or smaller in size. This condition is also called retrognathism. It can cause overbite, crossbite, over jet, and an open bite.

Class III Malocclusion

It is the rarest of all classes of malocclusion and has heredity as a major cause. In class III malocclusion, upper teeth lie posteriorly in relation to their lower counterparts, giving an overall concave profile to the face. It occurs when the upper jaw is behind the lower jaw. Like a monkey face. It can be due to the lower jaw (mandible) being anteriorly positioned or larger in size (prognathism), or it can also be due to the upper jaw (maxilla) being posteriorly positioned or smaller in size. It can cause an underbite, and an open bite (when front teeth never meet even if you close your mouth)

Class I and Class II are the most commonly occurring malocclusions covering almost 70 percent of the cases reported to orthodontic centers. If you want to learn more about the terminology like deep bite, crowding, under bite etc  you can visit our page Types of malocclusions.

There are various dental treatments- conservative and surgical; that can help straighten your teeth like they were never misaligned. Let’s discuss them.

The Best Options for Straighten teeth 

We have some good news for you!

Almost all malocclusion cases can be turned into eye-pleasing smiles with orthodontic treatments. Orthodontic treatments involve aligning your teeth and jaws in the perfect position. Moreover, an orthodontist is a dentist who is an expert and specializes in the field of orthodontic treatments.  

But- yes sadly, there is always a “but”!

The treatment success varies for each patient. It depends on their age, the severity of the dental problem, hygiene maintenance, and patient commitment.

You can get the best treatment in the world, but if you fail to follow your orthodontist’s instructions or neglect your oral hygiene-straighten teeth may not work for you in the long run.

1. Conventional Orthodontic Treatment- Metal Braces

As they say; old is gold!

Did you know braces were invented over 300 years ago? The first braces that we know of were created by French dentist pierre fauchard in 1728. They included a flat, horseshoe-shaped metal tied to the teeth using a thin thread. Now thankfully we have gotten better with our advanced and convenient technologies. Braces now are held together with wire, brackets, and elastic bands.

The well-recognized option for straighten teeth is, of course, metal braces. Metal braces are one of the oldest yet most effective forms of orthodontic treatment. It can correct severe and complex cases of malocclusion. Moreover, traditional braces are a lengthy treatment. It usually takes 1-3 years for the treatment to complete.  

Metal braces consist of:

• Metal brackets that are glued to each tooth

• The metal wire that passes through each metal bracket and applies force for straight teeth

• Orthodontic rubber bands(ligatures) are placed over the wire and each bracket to keep “things in place”

It is recommended to get traditional as early as all permanent teeth have erupted. However, it is best to consult with an orthodontist- for they know the best. The “metal mouth” appearance of the traditional braces is still accepted by teenagers but is often met with criticism in adults.

What happens at orthodontist appointments?

Each dental visit comprises a change of wires and rubber bands, with an increase in force application which is accompanied by a little bit of discomfort in the form of pain, ulceration, and soreness. The whole treatment with metal braces is usually painless but may offer discomfort especially when the orthodontist changes or tightens the metal archwire. The wire has to move your teeth in a specific position, so you can have some bad days- pain killers and ortho wax which apply on sharp bracket hooks that can be managed.

It is essential to visit the orthodontist regularly on the given appointment dates otherwise the treatment will lag. You can upkeep oral hygiene even with the metal braces on with special “braces-friendly” toothbrushes and dental floss. You can purchase them from the dental mart. 

Once the treatment is complete, you will be required to wear retainers for some time or permanently as suggested by your orthodontist, so that the treatment does not relapse. 

2. Ceramic Braces- White braces- Tooth-colored braces

With metal braces, patients especially teens and young adults may feel insecure about their “metal-wired” smile and appearance. Moreover, as it is a long-term treatment it can affect their mental health and self-esteem.

To counter the poor aesthetics of metal braces while maintaining the advantages of braces, ceramic brackets and white color-coated wires were developed. They are a modification of the metal braces, essentially serving the same purpose but rubber bands just like traditional brackets. In this treatment, ceramic brackets that are similar in color to the natural tooth or transparent brackets, replace the metal brackets. This can improve the aesthetics to a certain extent, yet still, the brackets will be visible. While they may be aesthetically superior, just like their metallic counterparts, they are also associated with the disadvantage of being difficult to clean and eat with. The biggest setback is that ceramic brackets are prone to breakage that can interrupt the treatment. 

Ceramic braces can also treat almost all types of malocclusion cases. The treatments last for 1 to 3 years and you will be required to wear retainers afterward just as in metal braces. 

3. Lingual Braces 

This is again, an alternative treatment option for teeth straighten for people who have aesthetic concerns like ceramic or metal braces where all the equipment is placed on the front (buccal) surface of teeth, these braces are placed on the inner surface of the teeth (palatal and lingual).

The success rate is good and lingual braces can also treat complex malocclusion problems, but the treatment is very uncomfortable. It may take some time to adjust to something constantly nagging your tongue.

The treatment lasts for 6 months to 3 years depending on the severity and type of orthodontic problems. 

4. Aligners-Invisible braces- Clear braces- Transparent braces

Clear aligners have become a hot seat in aesthetic dentistry. As the name suggests they are clear. They are invisible trays, custom-made for each patient to straighten teeth. 

Let us be honest, we are living in a digitally faced paced world where people have the patience of a hummingbird. They want quick and aesthetic solutions for their dental malocclusion problems without anyone noticing.

So when technology has gone wireless, why not go for wireless straight teeth devices? Clear aligners are just that, and more.

What are Invisible dental Aligners?

Aligners are discrete, transparent, removable, customized series of biocompatible plastic trays that fit snugly around the teeth and apply a light, constant force on the misaligned teeth to move them into their ideal positions.

Is Aligners better than braces?

People prefer clear aligners to conventional metal braces as it makes them look good while “invisibly” doing their job for straighten teeth.  Unlike braces, aligners are not associated with difficulty in eating and cleaning as they are removed during meals and brushed outside the mouth.

How long do aligners need to be worn?

Each patient receives a set of aligners trays in a box, the number of trays in a box, is dependent upon the level of alignment required. The aligners are to be worn daily for approximately 22 hours a day, for a set period which is typically 2 weeks, after which they are replaced with the next one in the series and the patient, has to wear all the trays in the box to accomplish the new smile journey.

Why choose aligners over braces?

Compared to braces, the most obvious advantage that aligners offer is that they are invisible and other people cannot tell if someone is wearing them, making them the treatment of choice for adult patients. Besides the aesthetics, aligners are superior to braces in many other ways. As they are taken off during meals, patients with aligners can enjoy their meals without any pain or dietary restrictions. 

How to clean aligners?

Oral hygiene maintenance is easier with aligners compared to braces, where the presence of brackets and wires facilitates plaque and tartar buildup. Aligners are simply brushed with a soft brush and plain water, just to remove any debris or plaque, and worn back on. Do not use any toothpaste or mouthwash to clean Aligners. There is no requirement for special flosses or interdental brushes as additionally used in other traditional braces( metal braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, gold braces)  With better oral hygiene maintenance, the chances of bad breath developing are significantly lower as compared to braces. To know more about Aligners care instructions, Read more

Advantages of aligners over braces

Aligner therapy is typically shorter than braces, being wrapped up within a year for most cases as opposed to braces which take a couple of years. Clear aligner, unlike traditional braces, is a short-term treatment (lasts for six months to one and a half years). They can treat mild-moderate to severe cases of dental crowding, overbite, crossbite, underbites, open bites, and diastema or gap teeth.

Unlike braces, regular dental visits are not always required, with the patients being given the entire set of aligner trays in a box along with the manual instructions. This arrangement facilitates those patients who are from out-of-town or those that find it difficult to visit the dental office because of their work timings or other engagements. Even if the dentist decides to call the patient to the clinic and supervise the change of aligners personally, the chair side time is significantly lower than that required for braces. One biggest advantage is for those patients who fear dental chair time and dental instruments, which are more conscious of sterilized instruments, and aligners best suited for them.

What are disadvantages of braces?

Braces are often accompanied by bracket loosening, wire displacement, and other issues which warrant additional dental visits. Lacerations of the tongue and the inner surface of the cheeks and lips are commonly encountered in braces, owing to the placement of brackets and wires. Aligners being a relatively less complicated treatment therapy are not associated with any breakage or dislodgement issues and do not traumatize the soft tissues.

Are there any limitations to aligners treatment?

There are three reasons for malocclusion seen in the patient, seen on their visit to an orthodontist:

1. Skeletal issues

2. Soft tissue issues 

3. Dental issues

Aligners and traditional braces are used to correct dental issues, which indirectly camouflage skeletal and soft tissues. Mostly skeletal and soft tissue issues are treated with headgears, maxillary expanders, chin cap, lip augmentation, jaw surgery, lip repositioning, gum Recontouring, etc. 

It is to bring to your notice, that more than 85 percent of patients present with dental issues only which can easily be treated with Aligners Globe.  It is prudent to mention that Aligners Globe may not fix all types of malalignment, with certain cases of dental with skeletal issues like “deep bite” (complete vertical overlap of front teeth), cross-bite (where upper and lower teeth meet on the opposite side in transverse section), vertical maxillary excess (gummy smile due to increased height of the face, particularly upper jaw) being treatable with braces and/or surgery. For this reason, it is recommended to seek the advice of a licensed dentist before commencing treatment. You might want an orthodontic consultation (braces specialist).

How effective are clear Aligners?

Are the results guaranteed with clear Aligners? This is the most frequently asked questions in orthodontics center.

Aligners are equally effective as braces and it as a guarantee results product. It’s a latest straighten teeth method all across the globe.  Millions of patients have been completed their smile journey with Aligners so far.  Aligners only requires a high level of patient compliance and not all those showing interests are good candidates, especially if their motivation level and desire to get treatment to waver. An assessment of patient compliance is, therefore, highly necessary for the success of treatment. This point must be communicated to the patient before embarking upon the aligner journey.

How clear aligners work to straighten teeth? How do aligners work?

Step1: Take an appointment and visit your orthodontist

Find an orthodontist nearby you by contacting us on our website, which you can trust with your treatment.  Communicate your complaints regarding the current alignment and what changes would you like to see in your smile. Your orthodontist will examine your mouth, take X-rays if necessary and evaluate your case.

Step 2: 3-D scan

Once your orthodontist approves your case being treatable by aligners, a full mouth completely digitalized scan or teeth impressions are performed. This accurately and quickly records the current position of the teeth. 

Step 3: Digital setup

A highly advanced interactive program designed to straighten teeth takes the data from the scan or impressions to prepare a customized 3-D treatment plan according to the teeth malocclusion and X-rays and generates the 3D simulations of a newly achieved smile from every angle. The result of aligner therapy is sent back to the referring orthodontist and any non-achievable treatment goals are communicated, before the commencement of the therapy.

Step 4: 3D aligner production and delivery

Upon approval of an orthodontist, all sets of aligners trays are prepared, and sequence-wise numbers are laser marked on all trays and delivered in a box. 

Step 5: Receive the Aligners 

Most of the time, the complete aligners Globe box is given to the patient, otherwise, some appointments are booked with an orthodontist, whereby each new pair is given at the dental office if the patient requires additional dental work.

Step 6: Flaunt that perfect smile

Upon completion of therapy, your smile is ready to be flaunted just as you visualized in the 3D software before the start of the treatment!

5. Headgear

This type of orthodontic treatment is usually recommended when the patient is still undergoing the growing phase. By using a combination of headgear with metal braces, orthodontists can treat dental and skeletal jaw-related problems causing misalignment. 

Why headgear is used?

Braces can correct the teeth' alignment, while the headgear can positively influence the shape and growth of the jaw bone.

Headgear is very unpopular amongst patients but we cannot blame them. Imagine living your life with metal equipment surrounding your head and face. Although this form of treatment is very uncomfortable and aesthetically unpleasing but still used in severe cases because there is no other choice to correct skeletal issues. To know in detail about indications of the headgear, click here

How much is the treatment duration to wear headgear?

The treatment duration lasts for 1 to 3 years or more until the desired results are achieved 

How long patient has to wear headgear?

The patient has to wear it for 12-14 hours a day.

6. Palate Expanders

This is an early aid in teeth straight for those patients who have narrow upper jaws, mostly due to mouth breathing, prolonged use of pacifiers and bottle feeding, and thumb sucking. Palatal expanders expand the narrow upper jaw into a broad squarish shape which is an ideal one. Palate expanders only work in the upper jaw until its growing phase as it works by expanding the palate to create appropriate space for teeth.  

How much time is required to use palatal expanders?

This treatment is only for 6 to 1 year and more depending on how much expansion is required.

Indications of palatal expanders?

Palatal expanders can treat dental crowding, and crossbite and create a space for impacted teeth in children. 

What is an ideal age to get palatal expanders?

The ideal age to get palatal expanders is from 11 to 14 years. 

For more details on palatal expanders click here

7. A jaw or Orthognathic Surgery

 Jaw corrective or orthognathic surgery is an invasive and surgical procedure indicated for patients with skeletal issues like prognathic lower jaw, excessive upper jaw, or underdeveloped upper and lower jaws along with dental malocclusion. The patients who report late to an orthodontic office with jaw shape concerns after the growing phase is halted ( If the patient reported in growing age, there are some appliances which modify and redirect the growth of jaws to avoid jaw surgery in later life) are usually candidates for corrective jaw surgery to correct the shape of the jaw and to treat severe malocclusion. An orthodontist will decide to perform jaw surgery only for the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both along with aligners or braces.

Mostly, orthodontists choose surgery as an option for adults where the jawbone is fully mature and cannot be treated otherwise. Along with malocclusion, it can also treat complex TMJ-related problems.

For more details on the corrective jaw and surgeries, click here

8. Dental Veneers

This is not orthodontic but more of an aesthetic and less of a teeth-straighten treatment. Veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells used to correct minor gaps (diastemas) in front teeth or level the front teeth. This is a treatment choice for patients who don’t have time to undergo braces or Aligners treatment, non-compliance and want urgent solutions. 

Let’s get started!

Now that you have some working knowledge regarding straight teeth, nothing is stopping you from achieving that smile upgrade you’ve been looking for!  Today, people are all for Aligners Globe, they want to have an aesthetically pleasing smile at all times, even during the treatment. However, it would be best to discuss your options with an orthodontist. They can guide you better. 

Contact us on our website and book an appointment with our orthodontist and get the process started. A dazzling smile and a bright future await you!

Book an Appointment

Straighten teeth FAQs

Q. What I can expect at my first orthodontist appointment?

An orthodontist will take a complete medical, dental, social, and family history and ask about your expectation regarding smile improvement.  After a thorough history, they will examine your mouth, teeth, gums, surrounding soft tissue structures, and jaws. Then they will ask you to open wide and bite your teeth together and ask you for chewing and swallowing and any clicking sound from the temporomandibular joint. After examination, they will discuss the treatment options, their pros, and cons, dental insurance, treatment duration, and treatment charges. 

Q. What is the cheapest way to straighten your teeth?

Traditional metal braces are often the most economical type of braces available to straighten your teeth but now in some countries, Aligners Globe are available at the same price as metal braces due to currency exchange rates. You can contact us at the following link and take the information regarding the Aligners cost.

Q. What is the most popular way to straighten teeth?

Nowadays, clear aligners have been gaining popularity as they are much more comfortable than traditional metal braces.

Q. In orthodontic treatments, which option is considered the most effective with permanent results for teeth straightening? 

In today’s advanced era, clear aligners are considered the most effective method with excellent patient compliance for straighten teeth. They can be used in a combination with other orthodontic devices in complex cases to achieve better results.

Q. For how long do straightened teeth last?  

The results, with proper aftercare (wear the dental retainers as directed by your orthodontist), are permanent. Visit your orthodontist twice a year after completion of your dental retainer’s period to avoid an unforeseen relapse.

Q. Is it a good idea to get straight teeth?

Yes, it is a great idea to treat mal-aligned teeth. It recreates a perfect and healthier smile. This not only helps in boosting self-esteem but also helps in improving dental and general body health because all good and bad things enter the body through the mouth.

Q. Which braces straighten teeth the fastest?

Clear aligners are the fastest orthodontic treatment for straightened teeth. 

Q. How much time does it take for teeth straightening?

It can take anywhere between 6 to 25 months, depending on the type of braces and severity of the malocclusion.  Treatment with Aligners Globe is a fast track to getting straight teeth in almost 6 to 15 months.

Q. What is a good age to get straightened teeth?

The best age for orthodontic treatment for straighten teeth is between 6-14 years but you have to consult an orthodontist by booking an appointment from our website. An orthodontist is a braces specialist dentist which will evaluate your teeth and guide you on which type of braces, functional appliances, or Aligners suits you and guide you to the exact age for getting the treatment. As the kids are experiencing a good spurt, it is easier to deal with malocclusion in the teeth and or jaw at an early age.

Q. Is it possible to get one tooth straightened? 

Yes, you can. There are many orthodontic options, but the most popular choice is clear aligners that can help with the straightening of a single tooth. 

Q. What is the shortest time duration for teeth straightening?

The shortest time for any teeth straightening procedure is between 4 months to 1 year.  But in rare cases, clear aligners can help fix the smiles in a month.

Q. Is it difficult to eat with braces on?

If you have fixed braces (the traditional metal braces) you would be advised to have a soft diet initially and it can take a while to adjust with your braces on. With clear aligners, you can eat everything easily by removing them before eating. As there are no diet restrictions, people prefer to have teeth aligners.

Q. Can I straighten my teeth without braces?

Yes, you can straighten teeth without metal braces. There is an option for clear aligners which are comfortable, removable, and fast track way of straightening teeth. Read more

Q. How can you make teeth straight at home, naturally?

There is no proven way to straighten teeth at home. You need a specialist dentist, or an orthodontist to help you with that. 

Q. Can teeth move as we age?

Yes, tooth movement and shifting can occur throughout our lives. However, there is no dramatic teeth movement unless there is a dental problem, tooth loss, or gum recession.

Q. Are straight teeth more beautiful and attractive?

Well, of course, they are.  More than 57% of people prefer straight teeth and get treatment for their crooked or misaligned smile. About 50 Million people in the 21st century have undergone teeth straightening.

Q. Is it cheap to get teeth straightened? 

Good things come at a price. Teeth straightening or orthodontic treatments are expensive and often not covered in your dental insurance plans. But treatment cost with Aligners Globe is not a burden on pocket. If you feel the aligner's price is not in your budget you can check the aligner's cost from neighboring countries to get the benefit of currency exchange rates. You can also discuss the packages and installment plans available with our orthodontist by booking an appointment with them. 


Posted On 02 Sep, 2022

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