How to clean and take care of your Aligners

Thankyou for choosing Aligners Globe in journey of your beautiful smile makeover. There are some instructions which you have to follow in order to get what you want.


1. Aligners ONLY work when you are wearing them. We recommend you wear your aligners FULL TIME, day and night, at least 22 hours. The only time the aligners should be out of your mouth is when you are eating and drinking, brushing and flossing or cleaning them.

2. Wear each aligner for a MINIMUM of two weeks, or as directed by the doctor. In start Aligner fit tightly and you may feel some pressure which is normal and is required to move teeth. It is very important that you never go to the next aligner in less than the directed time. Even though it may seem that the current aligner is loose and no longer moving your teeth, it may take longer for the roots to catch up with the crown of the tooth.

3. Most of the tightness will go away at the end of two weeks but if the aligners are still too tight then inform your dentist immediately.

4. If you miss some days for any reason, pick up where you left off and wear the aligners for a full 14-day MINIMUM. Call the office to let us know.


1.Make sure you have the proper aligner.

U for upper and L for lower in the proper number sequence. They are labeled very small on each aligner.

2. When inserting, gently push the aligners over your front teeth. Then, apply balance pressure to the tops of the left and right molars until they snap into place. DO NOT bite your aligners into place. Instead use chewies a special rubber rolls to fit in the aligners provided in the Aligners Globe box, you can shop from our Aligners accessories page if you have lost them.

3. Make sure each aligner is ALL THE WAY DOWN and fully seated. You should not see any space between the edge of the tooth and aligner. If the aligner is not fully seated, the teeth will not move properly and the next aligner will not fit. This can waste many weeks of treatment and even cause starting over with possible extra fees.

4. For removing the aligners, apply balanced pressure in the premolar area on both sides of appliance using index fingers or Aligner removing tool, provided in the Aligners Globe box, then gently lift off the front teeth. Always rinse the aligners in cold water and store in the proper container. DO NOT use sharp objects to remove your aligners.

Note: Aggressive pulling up or pushing down the Aligners or improper use of tool can result in breakage of Aligners, if you are having a difficulty in one area, move the tool to a new position and try again.

5.For very tight aligners rinse your mouth with warm water prior to removal.

6. After insertion of Aligners you may notice slight lisp and dryness of mouth, which will go away in few days as your tongue will adjust having Aligner in your mouth.


1. Always place the aligners in the cases provided. Never place aligners in napkins or side/food table or any other case. Never place in a pocket that can be sat on.

2. NEVER discard any old aligners. Always bring all of your aligners to your orthodontic visit.

3. If you lose an aligner, call your doctor right away and wear the previous aligner if available.

4. There will be a charge for damage or lost aligners.


1. Clean your aligners prior to each insertion. You can use the Aligner Cleaning system or a normal tooth brush. Rinse under running water and brush until clean.

2. Never use denture cleaner or soak in alcohol or bleach, as they will be damaged.

3. Do not place aligners in boiling or hot water to clean, as they will be damaged.

4. Do not drink any hot liquids while aligner inside your mouth.

5. Oral Hygiene: Brush and floss normally with the aligners out. It is important that you brush your teeth after each meal and prior to re-inserting your aligners to maintain necessary hygiene. Large food particles may prevent proper insertion.

6. Eating: There are no food restrictions and special braces diet with Aligners. However, aligners must ALWAYS be removed when eating.

7. Drinking: Except for cold or room temp water, always remove aligners while drinking anything. Any fluid will get inside the aligner and be held against your teeth possibly for hours and can cause staining or damage the teeth and aligners.

8. Chewing Gum: Do NOT chew gum while wearing aligners.

9. Smoking: It is advised NOT to smoke while wearing the aligners. It will stain the aligners and teeth.

10. If you have any trouble with your treatment, please call the office.

11. Do not keep the Aligner box/Aligner where the pet animals and the children can reach them

12. Always bring your previous Aligners and Aligner box on your next appointment.

13. Do not let anyone else in your friends or family to try on your Aligners.

14. Regular visit the treating doctor for evaluation of ongoing treatment process.

Travelling Instructions

If you are planning to travel, you will need to bring extra pairs of aligners, braces wax and aligners case with you. Even if you are normally good at keeping track of your items, you never know what can happen on a trip. At a minimum, you should bring your previous set, current set and upcoming set of aligners with you on your trip.

If you are flying, you should keep your aligner trays and cases on your person or in a bag. Baggage can easily be lost, and you don’t want to go for days without wearing your aligners. When you are on the road or in the air, it can be difficult to brush your teeth every time after you eat. At the very least, make sure you rinse both your mouth and your aligners before placing them back in after eating.

Aligners dry mouth is a common, but an irritating side effect of wearing clear aligners. As a result, many patients crave something that will keep their mouth fresh and healthy. Some patients try sucking on sugar-free mints to address this issue, but unfortunately, many of these mints are actually stuffed with unhealthy artificial sweeteners. Nowadays, an increasing number of aligners users are turning to Movemints to keep their breaths fresh and minty. Not only are Movemints sugar-free, but they are made with xylitol, a chemical known for preventing dry mouth and other oral-related problems. Thanks to the patented grooves in the mints that fit between your upper and lower trays, you can comfortably chew on these mints for extended periods of time.

Aligner Care Instructions


It is mandatory to wear the Aligners for 22 hours a day for 15 days in a sequence before you go to the next Aligner, irrespective of the fact if you feel them loose in the midway still you have to complete the given duration.

It is mandatory to keep the used Aligners saved in sequence in box. No complaint shall be entertained without showing the previous Aligners. Also take the Aligners Globe box along during your visit to an orthodontist/not to forget braces at home.

We will not accept any complaint if the user has not worn the Aligners in a sequence from start date till the end date. Any complaints regarding the treatment should be submitted before the ending date. END date will be considered as case CLOSED.

For prevention of Relapse it is mandatory to wear the retainers for at least 2 years at night time or as instructed by an orthodontist.

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