Welcome to Aligners Globe!

We are sole proprietor company, with a registered brand name “ALIGNERS GLOBE”. We manufacture and distribute Invisible braces all over the world. We do it with state of the art technology and use premium quality material under the supervision of highly qualified team of technicians, engineers and orthodontists.

Team of Best Orthodontists all across the world


We are selecting orthodontists in every city of each country all over the world. We will generate patient through publicity of Aligners Globe through print, social and electronic media and refer to the selected orthodontist with some terms and conditions. You have to register as an Aligner provider with your complete information on our website.


You must have been working with other invisible braces company and we are sure you are already aware of the ease and pros of the aligners as compared to metallic braces. First you need to access the case that either they are treatable with aligners or not, then you need to submit some requirements to us on production@alignersglobe.com

  • 1. Filled case submission form.

  • 2. Upper & Lower scan data of Impressions STL file/putty with wash Upper & Lower impression.

  • 3. Bite registration.

  • 4. Intra oral photos (Upper & Lower Occlusal, Frontal, Right and Left Buccal in Occlusion).

  • 5. Extra Oral photos (frontal profile, right and left side profile, smiling and laughing profiles).

  • 6. Lateral Cephalometric & OPG.

After submission of the case, we will make a digital setup of your patient and email you within 10 days which you can view on your computer or smart phone. In case you are not satisfied with the treatment plan, you can request us modification of digital setup. Once you are satisfied with the treatment plan, we will start manufacturing the aligners and will ship to you at whatever part of the world you are. Shipping from Pakistan will take 25 days once the final approval is sent.

Best Orthodontists


  1. Disinfected Aligner sets.

  2. Movement information note.

  3. IPR/Extraction note.

  4. Aligner container.

  5. Aligner care instructions.

  6. Pair of chewies.

  7. Aligners removing tool.

  8. Two pairs of retainers.

As per pricing and payments are concerned we have kept it minimal as compared to the market, also we have not complicated prices according to a wide classification of categories leading to confusion for our valuable dentists. Our payment method is 50% payment on receiving impression/STL file and the remaining 50% to be made after the approval of the digital setup. 25% of the payment will be deducted if the case is not proceeded by the dentist after approving the diagnostic setup.

Best Orthodontists

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Get register as Aligners Globe provider

Best Orthodontists