Scaling and Polishing Price | Teeth Polishing Price | Teeth Polishing Cost
Aligners Globe | 3 Minutes Read

Scaling and Polishing Price | Teeth Polishing Price | Teeth Polishing Cost

Makes teeth brighter and shinier. How?

Scaling and Polishing of the teeth, commonly known as teeth cleaning or dental cleaning, involves removing the tartar layers and plaque developed on the teeth and gums margin over time.

Healthy gums are coral pink in color, wrapping around the tooth like a collar but in people with a dark complexion, the gums are darker due to an increased amount of pigment called Melanin. The gums are firm and resilient and look like an orange peel in texture as it shows stippling, which is not present in infants and is usually seen in children above 5- years. This stippling in gums is more visible in adults and vanishes with age. There are fibers in the gums which hold them in their ideal place.

Dental caries and gum disease arise from plaque. Plaque is a sticky mix of food and germs. Plaque starts to gather on teeth within a few hours after eating any food. If plaque isn’t removed by tooth brushing/miswak/manjan and other tooth cleaning tools like mouthwash, dental floss, etc. for a longer period of days, it develops into a hard deposit called tartar. Tartar can end up being stuck at the bottom of the teeth and along the gum margin. Together, plaque and tartar inflame and irritate the gums. Germs in tartar make the gums weaker and sensitive tender to bleed, swollen and infected.

Routinely cleaning your teeth twice a day before going to bed and after breakfast, and rinsing with water after every meal can help prevent oral problems such as dental caries and gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis). In routine examinations and teeth cleanings, if tartar is deposited your dentist can catch the problem early hence preventing them from getting harder to remove and ending up being costly to repair.

What is Scaling and Polishing?

Teeth scaling is a procedure that uses special instruments that scrapes plaque and tartar from your teeth to keep your teeth and gums healthy and clean. While polishing is a procedure that uses abrasives and finishing paste to remove micro-stains on the tooth surface and makes the tooth smooth and shiny.

How does Scaling work?

Scaling removes plaque and tartar from the teeth and the dentist performs scaling both below or sometimes closer to the root of the tooth and above the gum line. 

Instruments for scaling:

Three kinds of instruments are used for scaling:

Manual scaling tools: The dentist uses the manual sickle scaler and curettes to scrape plaque and calculus from the teeth.

• Ultrasonic instruments:  An ultrasonic scaler is used to remove even the hardest and deepest calculus. The vibrating metal tip of the ultrasonic scaler vibrates at a very high speed to break up the hard substance on the teeth, gum line, and between the teeth in those hard-to-reach areas. Micro-vibration crushes and removes calculus while a jet of water will wash away any debris from this stage in the cleaning process.  It is the most common and widely practiced.

• Laser-assisted Scaling: Laser-assisted scaling of teeth, is a dental procedure that combines the use of lasers with traditional scaling and root planning techniques for the treatment of gum disease.

During the procedure, a dental professional uses a dental laser to remove plaque, tartar, and infected tissue from the teeth and gums. The laser energy is directed at the affected areas, targeting and eliminating bacteria and infected tissue while minimizing damage to healthy tissue. The laser can also help seal blood vessels and nerve endings, reducing bleeding and post-operative discomfort. Laser-assisted scaling offers several potential advantages over traditional scaling and root planing:

1. Precision: Lasers can selectively target infected areas while leaving healthy tissue untouched, resulting in more precise treatment.

2. Reduced discomfort: The laser can seal nerve endings, which may lead to less pain and discomfort during and after the procedure.

3. Minimized bleeding: Laser energy can help coagulate blood vessels, reducing bleeding during the procedure.

4. Faster healing: Laser therapy may stimulate the regeneration of healthy tissue and promote faster healing compared to traditional methods.

5. Reduced need for anesthesia: In some cases, laser-assisted scaling may require less anesthesia than traditional scaling and root planning, and most of the time there is no need for local anesthesia required.

Note: It's important to note that laser-assisted scaling is not a standalone treatment for gum disease. It is typically used in conjunction with other dental procedures, such as traditional scaling and root planning, to provide comprehensive treatment. If you're considering laser-assisted scaling or any dental procedure, it's best to consult with a qualified dentist or periodontist who can evaluate your specific oral health needs and recommend the most appropriate treatment options for you.

How do teeth Polishing work?

The three most teeth polishing methods are where your teeth will be restored to their natural gleam 

Bristle brush polishing - Using polishing paste and a circular/rotating bristle brush attached to an electronic and air turbine handpiece for polishing. The polishing paste with its abrasive material may remove extrinsic stains and may even help remineralize your teeth with the addition of fluoride and other minerals.

Rubber-cup polishing - a circular rubber cup attached to an electronic or air turbine handpiece with polishing paste. According to a study, this method is most effective for polishing teeth.

Airflow polishing - Polishing teeth with an airflow-polishing device, gently polishes the surface with a mixture of compressed air, water, and powder. The airflow teeth cleaning machine emits a stream of water, air, and sodium bicarbonate and is very effective at cleaning and polishing your teeth, especially the tooth fillings metallic or external fillings, interdental space, and hard stains of smoking and pan. This method does not use on patients who have sensitive gums or suffer from infections and swellings, and other factors.

What is deep scaling?

Often called deep cleaning, after scaling, the dentist then performs root planning, which involves smoothing the exposed surface of the roots to help the gums heal more quickly. Root planning or deep scaling involves using a curette to smooth out the residual sub-gingival cementum structure. To achieve gingival reattachment, the goal of root planning is to remove any plaque or calculus deposits as well as a little amount of cementum.

The pocket should close up after a tooth has been root planed, bringing the gum line closer to the tooth. Cleaning the teeth below the gum line thus requires extra caution. It will probably be necessary to redo root planning frequently.

 Scaling and Polishing Price

The cost of Scaling and Polishing varies from $ 1500 to $3000 and RS. 1,000- 30,000 rupees in Pakistan, which depends upon multiple factors. Always consult your dentist as he is the best person to get the price quotations from because every individual case is different.

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Teeth Polishing Price

The teeth polishing price can range from $75 to $200 on average globally and Rs. 3000 to 15,000 in Pakistan. Teeth polishing is often included as part of a regular dental cleaning procedure, which typically involves removing stains from the teeth. 

However, please note that these figures for teeth polishing cost are only an estimate, and the actual cost may be different based on your location and other factors. It is always recommended to contact and visit a dental clinic or dental professional to get an accurate cost estimate for teeth polishing services and they will be able to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding pricing and availability. 

Scaling and polishing price and teeth polishing cost depends on the:

When talking about the cost of professional teeth cleanings, there are a few factors that are taken into account. These are:

• Place of the dental practitioner (if the dentist you are visiting sits in a private practice or a hospital setting)

• Whether you require scaling and polishing of either lower or upper teeth or both

• Kind of cleaning needed and the severity of your case (It all depends on whether you need superficial cleaning, deep cleaning, or root planning)

• Whether you ONLY required scaling or polishing or both

• Whether you have dental insurance coverage or not

• Whether you require a prescription toothpaste or an at-home one from your dentist

• The severity of your case (if you need a bone graft or bone augmentation, the cost of the procedures will be greatly increased)

• Dental clinic location and experience of your dentist

• Whether your dentist is a specific dental professional (a specialized periodontist) or a general dentist providing teeth scaling and polishing services.

Indications of Teeth Scaling and deep scaling

• When gums become red

• When gums swell

• When gums bleed frequently

• Thick deposits of tartar and calculus over teeth

• When teeth are mobile

• When teeth get sensitivity

• Halitosis or bad breath

• Pus discharge from gums

• Spaces in teeth

• Food impaction between teeth

What are gingivitis and periodontitis?

It is the most commonly occurring problem of gums and if not treated on time, can aggravate. The bleeding, swelling, and reddening of gums (gingiva) is called gingivitis. With time, when the situation gets worse, the disease will progress deep down to the supporting structure of the tooth leading to pus accumulation in gums, loss of bone, gum recession, and mobility of the tooth is called periodontitis.

Benefits of Scaling and Polishing

Benefits of regular scaling and polishing may includes

• Reduced gum pocket depth

• Lower risk of  gum disease (also known as gingivitis)

• Lower risk of tooth decay

• Elimination of bad breath or halitosis

• Keeps your teeth clean

• Accomplishes a whiter smile

• Eliminates plaque accumulation on teeth

• Early diagnosis of oral disease symptoms

• Enhances general oral health

What's the difference between scaling & polishing and teeth whitening?

Scaling & polishing involves the removal of dental plaque and tartar and overall maintenance of oral health polishing however does help to brighten teeth slightly but to a lesser degree when compared to professional teeth whitening. Teeth whitening is an aesthetic procedure that involves chemically bleaching your teeth to whiten them. 

Does repeted scaling and polishing weaken the teeth and gums?

No, it is a popular belief that scaling weakens the gums which is a myth. Scaling removes the plaque and tartar below the gum line hence cleaning the gums which reduces the gap between gums and the teeth (called periodontal pocket) and helps treat gum disease.

I am feeling sensitivity after scaling, is this normal?

Yes, Cleaning your teeth with instruments below the gum line can cause the root layer, cementum to expose root dentine and cause sensitivity and discomfort but after a few days the cementum is healed and your teeth go back to normal hence there is no need to get concerned it is quite normal. Meanwhile, sensitivity can be controlled by using desensitizing toothpaste twice a day for 2 weeks.

Does the scaling & polishing process damage or weaken my teeth?

When done by a skilled and experienced dental professional, scaling and polishing is a smooth and harmless procedure that does not harm your teeth in any way.

Some patients may experience mild bleeding and/or tooth sensitivity after the procedure. (Dependent on the severity of the case) – These symptoms should wean off about 1-2 weeks after your appointment. 

What are aftercare of Scaling and Polishing?

A deep cleaning may require multiple appointments, you may notice the following during the first few hours or days after scaling:

• Mild pain in the area that was cleaned

• Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold

• Bleeding gums during toothbrushing

Your dentist will give you post-op instructions. Which are:

• Avoiding foods that require a lot of chewing

• Avoiding very hot or cold food and drinks

• Using a desensitizing toothpaste

Long-term, you’ll need good oral hygiene to maintain the deep cleaning.

A deep cleaning may require multiple sessions so, follow your dentist’s instructions and keep your follow-up appointments.

What's the best way to maintain my oral health after scaling & polishing my teeth?

Patients are encouraged to brush their teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day to maintain good oral health. More importantly, patients need to see a dentist once every 6 months for regular check-ups.

Professional teeth cleanings by a dental professional or oral hygienist eliminate plaque accumulation on and in between your teeth. Plaque naturally gathers in your mouth, even with routine brushing and flossing. Routine teeth cleanings reach places in the mouth that are difficult to reach with a normal toothbrush. Regular oral examinations might also include X-rays (once per year).

How often can I do scaling and polishing of teeth?

It has been advised by American Dental Association to get your routine Scaling and polishing after every six months and to visit your dentist regularly because you may believe that your teeth are squeaky clean but with a thorough examination your dentist can guide you better whether your oral hygiene is good or not. If you maintain proper oral hygiene instructions like brushing two times a day, before going to bed, and after breakfast, then there are less frequent chances of getting scaling and polishing after 6 months. But keep in mind, even following all the instructions of oral hygiene you must have scaling and polishing at least once every 3 – 5 years.

Posted On 13 Jun, 2023

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