Invisalign braces in UAE | Invisalign Cost in UAE
Aligners Globe | 4 Minutes Read

Invisalign braces in UAE | Invisalign Cost in UAE

The UAE, or the United Arab Emirates, is a country located in the southeastern part of the Arabian Peninsula. It's known for its modern cities, including Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Luxurious Amenities which are renowned for their impressive skyscrapers, luxury shopping, vibrant cultural scenes and tourist-friendly destinations. The UAE is also rich in oil reserves, which has greatly contributed to its economic prosperity. Is there something specific you'd like to know about the UAE? Dubai has become a popular destination for medical tourism due to its world-class healthcare facilities, highly trained medical professionals, and state-of-the-art technology. The healthcare industry in Dubai is regulated by strict quality standards, ensuring that patients receive safe and reliable care. Teeth braces Invisalign is available in many countries, including the UAE. If you're interested in getting Invisalign in the UAE, you should consult with a local orthodontist or dental clinic or contact our helpline 24/7. They will be able to provide you with specific information about the treatment process, costs, and any other details you may need. Keep in mind those teeth braces Invisalign in UAE availability and pricing may vary depending on the location and the specific dental provider. 

Invisalign braces in UAE

Invisalign is a brand name of Clear Aligners that are used to straighten teeth. They're an alternative to traditional metal, ceramic, lingual and gold braces and are designed to be less noticeable and more comfortable. If you're considering getting Invisalign for your crooked or space teeth, it's best to consult with an orthodontist who can evaluate if it's the right treatment option for you.

Invisalign dental braces

Invisalign is a type of orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, removable aligners to gradually straighten teeth. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners can be removed for drinking (you only drink water while having Aligners), eating, and tooth brushing. They are custom-made for each individual's teeth and are typically changed every 2 weeks to shift the teeth into the desired position. Dental Invisalign in UAE is a popular choice for people seeking a more discreet alternative to traditional braces.

Teeth braces Invisalign 

Teeth braces and Invisalign are both orthodontic treatments used to straighten teeth and correct bite issues. Braces consist of ceramic (transparent or tooth coloured) or metal brackets attached to the teeth, connected by wires. They are effective but fixed. Invisalign, on the other hand, uses a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually shift teeth into place. They're less noticeable but may not be suitable for all cases. Ultimately, the choice of teeth braces Invisalign depends on your specific dental needs, preferences, and your orthodontist's recommendation.

Indications of Invisalign braces

Invisalign dental braces are a popular orthodontic treatment used to straighten teeth. Here are some indications for using Invisalign:

Mild to Moderate Crowding:

Invisalign can effectively treat cases where teeth are crowded or misaligned to some degree.

Spacing Issues:

It's effective for correcting gaps or spaces between teeth.

Overbite, Underbite, Crossbite:

Invisalign can address various types of malocclusions (misalignments of the teeth and jaws).

Relapse after Traditional Braces:

In some cases, Invisalign can be used to correct teeth that have shifted back after previous orthodontic treatment.

Preventive Treatment: 

In some cases, Invisalign may be used as a preventive measure for potential orthodontic issues.

It's important to note that while Invisalign is suitable for many cases, there are instances where traditional braces may be a more appropriate treatment option. Consulting with an orthodontist is crucial to determine the best approach for your specific needs.

Advantages of teeth braces Invisalign over Traditional braces

Cosmetic Concerns:  Individuals seeking a more discreet option for straightening teeth often choose Invisalign due to its clear colour.

Enjoy every meal: You can enjoy every meal with Invisalign treatment because they are removable. There are many diet restrictions in traditional braces (metal braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, gold braces)

Maintaining Oral Hygiene: Invisalign aligners are removable, making it easier to brush and floss compared to traditional braces.

Comfort and Aesthetics: Invisalign aligners are smooth and don't have the wires and brackets associated as with traditional braces, which can be more comfortable for some people.

No frequent visits to orthodontist: as you get whole Invisalign treatment box in one go in the start, there is almost no need for follow up visits in most of the cases. Unlike traditional braces where patient has to come to dental clinic every month for wire change.

Predictable results: Patient can see after treatment results with Invisalign braces EVEN before starting the treatment. 

Best Invisalign Alternative brands in UAE

Aligners Globe is the best Invisalign alternative clear braces brand in UAE providing equally good services and economical price. 

Invisalign cost in Dubai

Invisalign dental braces offer Aligners at AED 7000 to AED 10,000. The variation in Invisalign price in UAE is due to various factors. Read more

Aligners Globe price in UAE 

You can get Aligners Globe box at FIXED price AED 7250 or $ 2000 in UAE with two pairs of retainers without any additional cost.

Braces in UAE

Some of the key reasons why people choose Aligners Globe in UAE for crooked and space teeth include:

Dubai is a popular tourist destination known for its stunning architecture, shopping, dining, and entertainment options. Dubai is home to specialized medical, Cosmetic and dental centers that focus on areas like dentistry, orthopedics, cosmetic surgery, fertility treatments, and more. Aligners Globe box is not over the counter product. You can get Aligners Globe box ONLY from its specialist called an Orthodontist or trained dentist known by Aligners Globe provider. We offer Aligners Globe box in cheap price than other Aligners brands in UAE, with guarantee results without compromising the quality of the product. The Aligners Globe Centers in Dubai boasts numerous internationally accredited hospitals and clinics that offer infrastructure in UAE are equipped with cutting-edge medical and dental technology. Aligners Globe Providers ensure High-Quality Healthcare and latest diagnostic and treatment options to patients. Many Aligners Globe Centers in Dubai have multilingual staff, making it easier for international patients to communicate their needs. We offer luxurious amenities, creating a comfortable and relaxing environment for patients and their families. This makes it an appealing choice for combining Aligners treatment with vacations. If you plan to visit UAE and getting Aligners Globe box for you or your family member from there, it is advisable to you to prior book an appointment with Aligners Globe provider prior to coming to save the appointment waiting time. 

Book an Appointment

However, it's important for individuals considering medical tourism in Dubai to do thorough research, including verifying the credentials of the healthcare provider and understanding the costs, potential risks, and travel logistics involved. Additionally, consulting with a healthcare professional in your home country before making any decisions is advisable.

How long Invisalign does takes to straighten teeth or close gaps between your teeth?

The duration of Invisalign treatment can vary depending on your specific case, but it typically lasts several months to a few years. It depends upon severity of the gaps and misaligned teeth. Mild case takes 4 to 6months. Moderate case takes 12months, complex cases takes 15 months to 2.5 years.

Remember, the specific details of the process may vary depending on your individual case, compliance and the practices of the orthodontist or dentist providing the treatment. Always follow your healthcare provider's instructions for the best results.

Getting Invisalign in UAE involves several steps:

1. Consultation: The first step is to schedule a consultation with an orthodontist or a dentist who is trained in Invisalign treatment (Invisalign Provider). During this appointment, the professional will evaluate your misaligned or space teeth and discuss if Invisalign is the right option for you.

2. Treatment Plan: If Invisalign is deemed suitable for your case, the orthodontist will create a customized treatment plan. This includes X-rays, intra and extra oral photographs, a 3D digital scan or impression of your teeth, which is used to create a digital set up of your teeth to show you before and after treatment results.

3. Aligner Fabrication: If you are agreeing with treatment results, Based on the treatment plan the lab will generate a series of aligner’s models on which series of clear aligners trays will be custom-made for you. These aligners are made from a transparent plastic material.

 4. Fitting: Once the aligners are ready, you will return to the orthodontist's office to pick up your box. The orthodontist will ensure they fit properly and provide instructions on how to wear and care for them.

5. Wear Schedule: You'll wear each set of aligners for about 2 weeks, 20-22 hours a day or as directed by your orthodontist, removing them only for eating, drinking, and cleaning. You'll see the treatment progress through the series of aligners as your teeth gradually shift into the desired new position.

6. Progress Check-ups: Mostly there are no visits after you get your Invisalign box, but in some complicated cases you have periodic appointments with your orthodontist (typically every 4-6 months) to monitor your progress or receive next sets of aligners. NOTE: You have to inform your orthodontist about your nature of stay in UAE as mostly are visitors so that orthodontist will try to avoid post visits or refer to Invisalign providers in your country. 

7. Treatment Completion: Once you've completed the prescribed series of aligners in your Aligners box, your teeth should be in their desired position.

8. Retention Phase: After the completion of the treatment, it is MANDATORY to wear retainers to ensure that your teeth remain in their new aligned positions. These retainers can be either fixed or removable and it should be decided by an orthodontist.

How long does it take for a Invisalign retainer to wear after Invisalign treatment?

There are 2 types of Retainers

1. Removable Retainers

2. Fixed Retainers

The duration for wearing an Invisalign retainer can vary depending on individual circumstances. Generally, after completing the active phase of Invisalign treatment, you'll be advised to wear a retainer full-time for a period, typically a few months. After that, you only wear them only at night. Normally, you or your child has to wear removable Invisalign retainer for 6 months to 2 years. However, it's crucial to follow your orthodontist's specific recommendations, as they will provide you with the most accurate guidance based on your unique situation. 

In some cases your Orthodontist or Invisalign provider advised you fixed retainers. The fixed retainers are for those mouth breathers who ended up treating the severe crowding who do not want to follow the ENT advised surgical procedure. Read more  

Invisalign retainer Price in UAE

The invisalign retainer price in UAE varies between AED 400 TO AED 600. It is best to directly contact to orthodontic centers in UAE or invisalign provider in UAE especially from the dental clinic, from where you got your orthodontic treatment because these orthodontic centers have your past dental history and intraoral scans. Dont forget to ask that how many pairs are included in the package offered. While Aligners Globe provides two pairs of upper and lower retainers along with the box free of cost. 

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Invisalign to braces

If you or your child is non-compliance with Invisalign and is considering switching from Invisalign to braces, it's best to consult your orthodontist. They can assess your progress and discuss the best course of action for your specific situation. Keep in mind that each treatment option has its own advantages and considerations.

Disadvantages / Side Effects of Invisalign braces

While Invisalign has several advantages, it also has some disadvantages like any orthodontic treatment 

1. Discomfort: Initially, you may experience some discomfort or soreness as your teeth adjust to the aligners. Some patients find the aligners to be uncomfortable, especially when they are changed to a new set.

2. Mouth Sores: In rare cases, the edges of the aligners may cause irritation or sores in your mouth. This usually subsides as your mouth gets used to them.

3. Speech Impediments: Initially, some people may experience a slight change in their speech due to the presence of the aligners but this usually resolves quickly.

4. Increased Salivation: Some people may experience increased saliva production, particularly in the first few days of wearing the aligners.

5. Difficulty Eating: You may find it a bit challenging to eat hard or sticky foods initially.

6. Alignment Tracking: It's important to wear the aligners consistently. Not doing so can slow down your progress or result in the need for additional adjustments.

7. Regular Cleaning: You'll need to clean your aligners regularly to prevent plaque buildup and maintain oral hygiene.

8. Attachment Points (Buttons): Some cases may require small attachments to be bonded to your teeth, which can feel a bit unusual at first.

9. Possible Allergic Reaction: While rare, some individuals may be allergic to the materials used in Invisalign aligners.

10. Teeth Sensitivity: In some cases, teeth may become slightly sensitive due to the pressure applied by the aligners.

Limitations of Invisalign braces

Teeth braces Invisalign may not be recommended for certain types of Skeletal bite problems or severe misalignments. Your orthodontist or Invisalign provider will determine if you are a suitable candidate for Invisalign or not. Traditional braces can handle a wider range of dental problems.

Invisalign relies totally on patient compliance. It requires consistent wear (22 hours a day) and Invisalign tends to be more expensive than traditional braces. The exact cost can vary depending on factors like location and the complexity of the treatment meticulous care to be effective. Some individuals may struggle with this level of commitment.

While the ability to remove Invisalign for eating and cleaning is an advantage, it can also be a disadvantage if a patient struggles with keeping them in for the recommended amount of time each day.


It's important to note that these side effects are typically temporary and often subside after wearing the first tray as your mouth adjusts to the treatment. However, if you experience severe or persistent discomfort, it's important to consult your orthodontist. They can provide guidance and make any necessary adjustments to ensure your treatment progresses smoothly.


It's important to consult with an orthodontist to discuss your specific dental needs and determine which treatment option is best for you. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your individual situation.

If you have any specific questions about Invisalign, feel free to ask!


Posted On 02 Nov, 2023

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