Crooked Teeth and crowded teeth : How to fix and straighten them
Aligners Globe | 5 Minutes Read

Crooked Teeth and crowded teeth : How to fix and straighten them

Smile is the best way to attract people and if someone has beautiful and aligned teeth. It's like icing on the cake. Having balanced, beautiful and shining teeth are a great blessing of nature but unfortunately, not all the people on this planet are given this blessing. Teeth have a major role in representing your personality. A person having beautiful teeth will off course feel confident to smile in public and hence, we can say that teeth add charm and attraction into your overall look.

crooked teeth

On the other side of the picture, have you ever imagined those who have imbalanced or crooked teeth? Those of you who are facing this problem can better imagine the situation and they better understand about the term “crooked teeth".

crooked teeth

Crooked teeth are actually misaligned teeth. Such teeth don't look attractive and more than that, people having misaligned teeth find difficulty in talking. The misaligned teeth can’t be cleaned properly and they automatically base many health issues. It gives space for many types of bacteria in the mouth and ultimately such people may face the problem of dental cavities, gum diseases, speech problems and chewing issues. It also produces smell in your mouth. Misaligned teeth invite many health issues which are basically due to hygiene problems.

crooked teeth

Probably Not, Right? It's no different than trying to eat with crooked teeth.

If you have crooked teeth then you can face many problems in your social circle. For example, you may not feel confident in taking selfies for group photos with your friends. At the time of finding a proposal for yourself, you me also face problems because of your maloccluded teeth.

buck teeth

Due to these reasons, it is very important to get proper treatment and to get rid of this misalignment of your teeth. What causes teeth to be crooked? Maloccluded teeth can have many reasons behind them. Not only baby teeth become maloccluded teeth but this problem can occur with the permanent teeth as well. Meanwhile, it is important for you to know that having crooked baby teeth doesn't mean that the permanent teeth of that child will also become crooked.

Why my teeth are crooked? Why do teeth grow crooked? Are crooked teeth genetic? Do you want to know what causes crooked teeth?

What Can Cause Crooked Teeth? Crooked teeth: Causes and Concerns. Well, there might be the following reasons:

Heredity and genes

The health and type of your teeth definitely depends on hereditary and genetic factors. Do you have crooked teeth? If yes then have you ever noticed the teeth of your parents or grandparents? There are chances that you would have taken buck teeth in your genes from any of your parents or ancestors. Yes, misaligned teeth can be genetic. It a hereditary character but not essentially necessary that they are genetic.

crooked teeth

Habits-Thumb Sucking

Tongue Thrusting and Bottle Use Another cause of having maloccluded teeth is prolonged habits for example, some children have the habit of thumb and pacifier sucking, nail or pen biting and long durations of having feeding bottles. Doing this activities on a regular basis can push out the teeth and jaw of your child.Bunny Teeth


Trauma or accident

Usually, baby teeth fallout naturally but sometimes, they may fall out accidentally or because of tooth decay. In such a case, permanent teeth that will grow afterwards might be bunny teeth and slanted.

Bunny Teeth


Nasal obstruction

In nasal obstruction patient is unable to breath in and out through the nose; as a result they start breathing through the mouth. Mouth breathing during sleep is another significant cause of maloccluded teeth because the patient is unable to close his lips together as a result of reactive breathing eventually loss of pressure to hold upper and lower front teeth in their place causing jaws to move forward.

bunny teeth


Skeletal and soft tissue issues

Small or large misaligned jaws are also the cause of buck teeth. They are some skeletal and soft tissues abnormalities like cleft lip and cleft palate and syndrome can also be the cause of maloccluded teeth. Weak gums and very hard gums both can make your teeth crooked.


Early or late shedding of milk teeth

Early shedding of milk teeth because of decay, adjacent milk teeth takes the place of erupting permanent teeth. In such a case, permanent teeth that will grow afterwards will be slanted on outer or inner side.

Types of crooked teeth

Is it bad to have bunny teeth? Crooked teeth can make you feel embarrassed because people can easily call you names and you can be mocked by hearing the names of bugs bunny and much more. People can break your confidence easily by staring at your teeth and mock at them.

buck teethDespite all these socially disturbing issues, buck teeth can harm your physical health also. They can block bacteria and food particles in your mouth which can decay your teeth. Not only teeth but they can also harm your digestive system which can be the mother of all diseases. A maximum of the diseases are linked with your digestive system. If you cannot swallow and chew properly then it can be the worst thing for your health. Yes, it is bad to have bunny teeth. Aligners can help you with the best way to get rid of this basic health issue. Read more

How do you fix the crooked teeth without braces?

You want to ask, Can you fix crooked teeth without braces? How to fix crooked teeth without braces at home? A few decades back it was not considered as an issue or a problem to be treated due to lack of maloccluded treatments options and awareness but now it has been resolved and there are many ways to handle it. Technology and medical science in collaboration with each other have given many perfect options to treat such teeth. With every passing day, treatment is becoming easier and more affordable. It is now a myth that only a certain class of society or people can get these beauty treatments.

These are not only beauty treatments these are health needs. These treatments can improve your personality and your health conditions as well. People are much aware and informed nowadays that they know what is good for their better life.

Crooked teeth are no more a big problem. They can be treated easily by using any kind of braces, like metal braces, gold braces, and many more. Metal braces were used in excess for alignment purposes. Braces are considered metallic and robotic look, that a person using braces would have talking issues, eating issues that they can eat an only specific range of food. They can have ulcers in the mouth and many more speech issues. Advanced studies and experiments have given this treatment a new horizon. Now the alignment process has become very easy and affordable.

Do you want to fix your crooked teeth? Can invisible aligners fix crooked teeth? Are you looking for someone who can help you in this regard? What Steps Should I Take To Have My Teeth Straightened?

Well, don't be panic because you can get it done by the right person. There are orthodontists who are trained to fix such types of dental issues. They are professional in dealing with crooked teeth. Aligners have brought to you the best solution and a big game changer to treat maloccluded smile without any one notice. Aligners are invisible and they will give you no injuries, pains, or long-time treatments. Invisible Aligners have brought an incredible solution to deal with buck teeth without having metal or gold braces. The aligners come in a beautiful box and they are made just for you to satisfy all your needs and sizes.

maloccluded teeth

Hence, if you want to fix maloccluded teeth without braces then delay no more; fix your appointment on our website and visit a well-reputed orthodontist in your area. The orthodontist who provides Aligners are called Aligners providers.

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crooked teeth

Aligners are the best solution for every crooked tooth because they are harmless and invisible too. You can continue your normal life with hygiene protection and a healthy lifestyle.

Maloccluded teeth

Q. How long does it take to correct crooked teeth?

Crooked teeth can be aligned very easily by using Aligners and they are very easy to use and there results are hundred per cent predictable. The period it takes to correct and align these teeth depend on the intensity of misalignment of teeth, patient age and also the number of teeth in jaws. The period may vary from 3 months to one and a half years.

Q. What kind of tests do I expect at the orthodontist’s clinic and how they are treated?

Certain examinations are done at the clinic under experts’ observations. We do intraoral examinations, dental and medical history is recorded. Intra oral scans/putty impressions, Photographs, orthopantomogram (OPG) and lateral cephalometric radiographs are taken and sometimes 3D scans cone beam computer tomography for more evolution. We have specialist team of doctors, Radiographers, dental technicians and orthodontists that make the whole process very easy and comfortable for the patients.

Q. Can veneers fix crooked teeth?

Can you get veneers with crooked teeth? The answer to this question is simple NO because veneers are a step ahead to buck teeth to be aligned first. Firstly, teeth must be aligned by using any of methods and technologies for teeth straightening and then veneers can be applied. Can veneers fix crooked teeth? The answer is NO. Veneers cannot balance your teeth. First, you have to use the aligners to align your teeth, and then you can use veneers. Veneers can change the shape of your teeth as they are materials to improve your teeth' shapes but they cannot align your teeth. For the use of veneers, you must use aligners first, and then you can continue with veneers if you feel issues in shape and teeth colour.

Q. Is it ok to have buck teeth? Are crooked teeth unattractive?

Some people consider maloccluded as beauty and uniqueness. If you are one of those people then it is definitely ok to have buck teeth. Crooked teeth sometimes look cute but not all the time. They have health hazards also. However, some people wish to have perfect and well balanced. These people don't feel ok to have bunny teeth. They consider buck teeth as a flaw in their personality. Hence, they want to get proper and permanent treatment that would make their teeth straight and attractive.

bunny teeth

Maloccluded teeth may affect your beauty value. They can be a hindrance in your career growth, there are many professions like front desk jobs, commercial jobs, media concerning jobs, and many more, in which you should be more presentable and good looking. These jobs and your personality may be affected due to buck teeth. Maloccluded teeth also have some health issues as they are not much helpful in chewing food. Buck teeth can make you embarrassed at times because people will make fun of you by calling names.

Q. Are crooked teeth attractive?

Crooked teeth may look attractive and they can beautify your smile. However, people having maloccluded teeth may have to compromise on many other things. It is a malposition and it can cause several problems. For example, it can disturb in the chewing process and even in talking. There are hygienic issues as well because buck teeth are difficult to clean and ultimately, they produce cavities and smell in your mouth. Would you prefer to have the attractiveness involved with maloccluded teeth or would you prefer dental and oral hygiene! The decision is yours.

Q. Can crooked teeth fix themselves?

Once the teeth either baby teeth or permanent teeth get crooked, they cannot be fixed themselves. However, there are chances that Crooked baby teeth once gone, permanent teeth might not be crooked but they might be straight and well-aligned. However, once grown crooked, permanent teeth cannot be fixed on their own. You will definitely have to consult an orthodontist and to take a suitable treatment.

Q. Are crowded teeth common?

Yes, it is a common problem faced by children, teens, and adults. It is ideal to get them treated at an early age.

Q. How do they fix crooked teeth in adults?

In adults, crooked teeth can be fixed by invisible aligners, because it is the latest teeth straightening method all across the world.

Q. Do crooked teeth affect face shape?

Crooked, crowded, overjet, and overbite are all misalignments that can affect the face shape and symmetry. Teeth help maintain the structure of the jaw, the length of your face, and the fullness of your lips.

Q. How long does it take to fix crowded teeth?

On average it takes around 2 years to finish the orthodontic treatment. Some people may see a change in 6 months to 1 year and others may take up to 3 years depending on the misalignment of the teeth.

Q. Are crooked teeth permanent?

No, depends on person to person, whether they go for its treatment or not. There is less chance that a child’s jaw might grow as they age and their teeth might straighten on their own. With new inventions in orthodontics treatment with Aligners, crooked teeth are not a big problem anymore.

While some people spend their entire lives with crooked teeth because it does not affect their daily lives. 

Q. Do crooked teeth get worse with age?

Yes. You will get temporomandibular joint problems at a late age. It is just like your car is running on a straight and smooth carpeted road unlike on a bumpy road; it’s more likely to collapse. 


There are many people who have the problem of crooked teeth. Although some people don't bother about it and they even take it as a unique thing that makes them different and prominent among others. However, some people lose their confidence, facing difficulty in chewing food and speech because of this issue. For them, there is good news that the problem of buck teeth is curable. There are orthodontists who are specialised to treat these types of issues. If you are having buck teeth or misaligned teeth then you must consult a professional orthodontist nearby your area from our website and get the treatment so as to enhance the attraction in your smile.

crooked teeth

Looking for straighten teeth and a perfect smile but don’t want metal braces, ceramic braces or lingual braces on teeth???

Don’t worry!!!! We can straight teeth without wires.

Let your smile shine all life Long.

Aligners are the best Innovation in Orthodontic Dentistry.

With Aligners!! No wires!! No brackets!!No Metallic look!!!

Aligners are removable, invisible and Comfortable braces!!!

No frequent visits to dentist!!!

How do Aligners Work??

We provide you a box of removable transparent plastic trays called aligners which on wearing according to sequence of trays provided in a box. When you wear first Aligner it moves teeth a little bit, then you wear your next aligner and it moves them a little bit more. You keep on wearing your all Aligners in sequence under the Ice of your doctor and you will get a perfect smile!!

Aligners are invisible and removable braces; no one will notice what you are wearing on your teeth. You can remove them whenever you want. It’s ideal for students, office going, party lovers, soon to be married or engaged and frequent travellers. There is no diet restrictions, you can eat, drink and brush your teeth by removing them. They won’t hurt your tongue, lips and cheeks and you can enjoy life along with the journey of smile transformation. Less frequent visits to dentist and the best part is that you can see the end results before the start of the treatment.

We are worldwide distributors and results are 100 per cent guaranteed. Our Aligners providers are consultants Orthodontists. Contact our website to find the Consultant Orthodontist in your city/Country to access whether you are perfect candidate for Aligners or not.

bunny teeth


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Posted On 03 Apr, 2022

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