Clear braces
Aligners Globe | 10 Minutes Read

Clear braces

What are clear braces?

Clear braces are a good alternative to traditional metal braces for teeth straightening. They are virtually invisible, realign your teeth to correct position without noticing by any one and create a smile you dreamt of. These braces are made of clear material making them invisible to the people around you.

Clear braces

Teeth represent you and your personality as whenever you talk or eat your teeth is shown. Nice and aligned teeth become your distinct feature.  Sparkling and well-aligned teeth improve your life and confidence. It is a commonly observed fact that people who look confident and have good smiles can attract more people around. People who have aligned teeth are more confident than people with crooked or misaligned teeth. They smile and talk confidently which of course benefits them a lot. Having beautiful teeth naturally is a blessing of nature but unfortunately, all the people are not blessed with it. These days, the problem of crooked or imbalanced teeth seems to be very common. If you have such issues with your teeth it's nothing untreatable. What to do if you have imbalanced teeth? Well, the very first thing that comes in the mind is metallic braces because since decades, this treatment is being used to balance the teeth. Even school going children have metallic braces to balance their teeth. .Many people don’t even know that there are alternative treatments as well that are even much comfortable and hygienic.

Advanced technologies have invented such methods and techniques that can do miracles for such patients.

The misaligned teeth can be aligned by using any kind of braces such as gold braces, metal braces, lingual braces.But there are some disadvantages also like metal braces give you a robotic look and they also restrict your speaking and eating habits. These all restrictions are just during the treatment time but they hinder your life's normal activities.  People, who are doing front desk jobs, media persons, or show business-related personalities or frequent travellers can’t afford these robotic looks and restrictions.  They need something that should invisibly treat their teeth misalignment.  Here is the solution, clear braces were introduced specially for such people who don’t like these looks and also want the treatments. No more need to apply metallic braces on your teeth! Metallic braces have now been replaced with clear braces. The purpose of both clear braces and metallic braces is similar but their composition is different.

Invisalign braces

No more need to apply metallic braces on your teeth! Metallic braces have now been replaced with clear braces. The purpose of both clear braces and metallic braces is similar but their application is different. People prefer to have clear braces rather than metallic braces due to their multiple benefits.

Types of Clear Braces:

When we talk about the types of clear braces, there are mainly two categories, these are

1. Fixed clear braces

2. Removable clear braces

Let's talk about these two categories in details:

Fixed clear braces

If you have very sewer teeth alignment issue like impacted canines your orthodontist are suggested to have fixed clear braces. These braces use a combination of wires and clear brackets to make the braces less noticeable in the mouth. In short, you get the benefit of traditional braces, but in a less obtrusive way.

Clear braces

These are permanently adhered to your teeth and can only be taken off by the orthodontist at the end of treatment.The orthodontist tightens and changes the wires during treatment to help shift the teeth.There are certain food and drink restrictions with this treatment.

The results of fixed braces are same as compared to removable clear braces.

On the basis of the composition of fixed braces, there are further two types that are ceramic braces and acrylic braces.


Ceramic braces are similar to metal braces but rather than silver metallic wires and brackets, clear or even tooth coloured brackets are used in them.These braces are made of ceramic or porcelain making them invisible to the people around you. If you want to make your braces less noticeable then you should choose ceramic braces. People who are very active in the social circle usually prefer ceramic braces over conventional metallic braces.


These braces are made of plastic material. These are also transparent just like ceramic braces but the quality of acrylic braces is not as much good as much as ceramic ones. Acrylic invisible fixed braces are a bit less expensive than fixed ceramic braces.  However, if you want to get the cheaper invisible braces treatment then acrylic braces are good to choose.

Clear braces

Removable clear Braces

Removable braces or removable clear braces for adults or childern are also called clear aligners.  Removable braces are basically clear plastic trays that you can easily wear on your teeth in sequence wise so as to treat orthodontics issues. Do clear braces actually work? Yes!  In the course of treatment, there are multiple trays involved and you have to swap out the tray after every couple of weeks. The entire treatment takes the approximately 12 to 18 months but it depends on the severity of your problem.


Invisalign aligners

These are highly being used for the treatment of orthodontic issues all across the world. Looking for straighten teeth and a perfect smile but don’t want metal braces, Fixed ceramic braces or lingual braces on teeth???

Don’t worry!!!!

We can straight teeth without wires.                         

Let your smile shine all life Long.

Aligners are the best Innovation in Orthodontic Dentistry.

With Aligners!! No wires!! No brackets!!No Metallic look!!! Aligners are removable, invisible and Comfortable braces!!!

No frequent visits to dentist!!!

Clear Aligners

Just imagine, you are getting the treatment for teeth alignment for a couple of months and even this treatment is not noticeable by anyone with clear braces for adults. Don't you think it's amazing! Read more

Clear Aligners are better than Other Braces, Why?

Invisalign vs Braces – Which Is Best for You?

Clear Aligners

There are many reasons why clear aligners are preferred over conventional metallic braces and other types of braces. There are the following major reasons:

Do clear braces take longer? The duration of treatment is short in case of clear aligners as compared to other types of braces.

  • One thing that is amazing about clear aligners is that you can see final results even before the start of treatment in 3D soft wares, however in metallic braces you have to wait till the treatment has ended.
  • There are no food restrictions for these clear aligners as you can put them off and eat anything you want. Almost all other braces have certain reservations and limitations for eating.
  • Clear Aligners do not cause caries or gum issues in your teeth as the tray is changed twice in a month. . These invisalign aligners which are removable clear braces are very flexible and user-friendly that you can talk freely.
  • Clear aligners are hygienic. If you use metallic braces then same metallic bracket will stay in your mouth until the treatment is completed. However, this is not the case with clear aligners. After every 15 days, the old tray is replaced with a disinfected tray.
  • Clear aligners are easy to remove. You can remove these aligners if you are going in any party. You can remove them on your wedding for the photo session, you can remove these aligners in a meeting, and you can remove them while you are with your partner for a date. In fact, these are easily removable and you don't need to go to the dentist for removing clear aligners.
  • Clear aligners are invisible and no one in your social circle will notice that you are having the teeth alignment treatment.

Clear Aligners

  • These clear braces for adults aligners do not cause any stains and you can clean your teeth and mouth easily during the treatment of teeth alignment. Hence, they won't make your mouth smelly like the traditional metallic braces do.
  • If you are a student then you will not lose your confidence because of your braces because these clear aligners are invisible. With this invisible technology, you will be able to treat your teeth problem and after a couple of months, your teeth will become beautiful and well balanced.

clear aligners

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clear braces FAQ

How much do clear braces cost?

Are clear braces more expensive? How much are clear braces? Do clear braces cost more? The cost of clear braces depends on many factors. First of all, the severity of orthodontic issue should be known. If you have very severe problem then definitely you will have to wear more cost because the treatment will take long time. On the other side, if you have minor issue then there will be less cost involved in the entire treatment. Well, the price of removable clear braces may differ from brand to brand.

Usually, clear braces or clear aligners cost between $1000 to $6000. However, again I will bring your attention to the point that the cost of clear braces mainly depends on which brand you are going to choose and severity of your orthodontic problems.

On our website, you will notice that clear braces are available at very reasonable price.Read more

Are Clear Braces Effective?

This is most frequent question patient ask their orthodontist on consultation day. The reason behind is patient does not know that clear aligners were introduced in the market almost two decades ago and almost fifty million patients has been treated and documented with clear aligners and got perfect smile which they dreamt of. This is the safe and latest treatment method all across the world. Initially they were designed only to correct mild to moderate orthodontics cases, as technology and soft wares got advance now complicated orthodontics cases are successfully treated as well like deep bite, open bite, and cross bite. They are FDA approved and CE certified product for straighten teeth. Globally orthodontists are shifting towards clear Aligners because of its numerous qualities and demands from the patients. Read more

Do clear braces turn yellow?

Do clear braces stain? Clear Aligners do not stain or yellow because you can remove them while eating or drinking. You can only drink water while wearing it rest of all other beverages stains them. You can remove invisalign braces while brushing your teeth. The material from which they are made of is very good quality. On the other hand fixed clear braces which are made of acrylic material get stains easily and these stains are difficult to wiping off even with tooth brushing. Ceramic fixed braces are stain resistant. This is the quality of fixed ceramic clear braces that they do not stain like the conventional metallic braces, gold braces and lingual braces The material used for manufacturing clear aligners is resistant to discoloration. but the elastic ligature material engaging wire to those ceramic brackets get easily catch by food colour and its looks like yellow bad appearance. Clear aligners come with complete guidelines and a manual that you can clean yourself well. They are transparent enough that everybody around you can’t judge that you are wearing something on your teeth.

 However, if they become little bit dirty then you can easily watch them and clean them with water.

How to clean braces?

You want to learn how to clean removable clear Aligners?  You are suggested to clean the clear Aligners trays daily after removal before putting them in to Aligners retainer box with cold water. You can also clean clear aligners’ trays with soft toothbrush or either uses a denture cleaner.  Keep it in your mind that toothpaste is not recommended for your clear braces. However, this is not the case with other traditional braces because those braces need added care. In case of clear braces, remove them first, brush your teeth and then apply your braces again. Read more

How to clean teeth with braces?

Brushing twice a day every day is the key to a healthy mouth- that’s what we all heard growing up. While technology has made our lives easier, fancier and complex doesn’t always means it's always the best option.Are you in bed? Did you brush your teeth? Read more  

Are clear braces more expensive?

Clear braces are little bit expensive than traditional metallic braces because the material used in manufacturing clear braces is more precious and costlier. However, the price of clear braces is affordable and the benefits of clear braces outweigh their cost. The removable clear braces are results guaranteed product and they come in a very beautiful box that has everything you need and everything essential to be used during the treatment.  The team of specialists have designed these boxes according to your teeth, jaws size and orthodontic issue to facilitate every patient in every way that they can carry on the treatment on their own with the least clinical visits which saves both time and money.

 Are clear aligners worth it?

A big yes, clear aligners can treat almost any type of malocclusion, so one can have a remote and discreet smile journey without being hassle of metal wires and brackets in the mouth.

Are clear aligners better than braces?

In many ways, clear aligners are the best ones over traditional braces. Click here to compare the difference between clear aligners and other conventional fixed braces.

Are clear braces more expensive?

Yes, they are a little bit more expensive than traditional metal braces but in some countries, Aligners are available almost equivalent to metal braces due to currency exchange rates. 

What do clear braces look like?

Removable Clear braces or clear aligners look like transparent teeth coating. There are no metal wires and metal brackets involved, these braces are made from medical grade invisible plastic material sheets that are CE certified and FDA approved.

Take away

Aligners is a trusted brand of clear braces. We are worldwide distributors and we are the top providers of clear braces so far all across the world. Let’s bring an end of long learning on clear braces because we hope you have gained trust on us. You are only one step away to meet us. Our Aligners providers would love to see you in their dental clinics and dental hospitals, and they will guide you every step of the way. We can’t wait to meet you and show you why we are the BEST choice for clear braces.

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Posted On 03 Apr, 2022

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